Project Description

Created in 2001, the experimental reserve of Vohimana, in the forest of medium altitude in the eastern part of Madagascar, hosts many amphibian endemic species, but also at least 12 species of primates, such as Indri and Sifaka lemurs. Both are threatened species, in particular because of poaching and of the destruction of their habitat.
The NGO Man and Nature is helping the local communities to build an eco-touristic place, where all profits are given to their local association. This place also welcomes students from several countries that come to support the development and conservation activities. In view of the threats to these ecosystems full of biodiversity, one of the main objectives is to develop sustainable income-generating activities for local populations, in an environmentally friendly way, and to directly convince the communities to protect the fauna and their natural habitats.
Enhance knowledge about lemurs’ populations in Vohimana reserve to improve species and habitat conservation, and for better appropriation by local actors in the sustainable development of the territory
Components of the project:
- Establish monitoring protocols of lemurs in the protected area of Vohimana, in particular of Indri and Sifaka species
- Collect data to better understand the behavior and the movements of these species
- Train local guides to accompany biologists and volunteers, and reinforce eco-tourism activities
Expected results
To better understand and to better protect the Indri and Sifaka populations in the Vohimana reserve, a monitoring protocol of lemurs has been established. A better knowledge of movement patterns and of their behaviors will help to develop adapted conservation measures, to reinforce eco-tourism activities and to raise awareness about the preservation of the local heritage.
L’Homme et l’Environnement
Created in 1993, the NGO L’Homme et L’Environnement wanted to face the challenge of showing that fighting against poverty and protecting the environment can go along.
Its aim is to support local populations through valorisation programs of natural resources, to promote the development of sustainable income-generating activities, respecting the environment and for a better biodiversity preservation.
L’Homme et l’Environnement regroups Malagasy and international actors working along to create a better more respectful future. As such, the NGO is at the root of the creation of the experimental protected area of Vohimana, with an exceptional natural richness and many endemic species, to put into practice conservation approaches related to the sustainable development of local communities. The activities led on the field are unique experiences for one association, from biology, to agricultural development, and even health and education.