The inventories of radiated tortoises continue on the field

The inventories of radiated tortoises continue on the field

2019-06-19T10:42:52+02:00Categories: Radiated tortoise|
The adventure continues for Joseph-Antoine Sabiani, from the SOPTOM team, who goes on the field looking for radiated tortoises (Astrochelys radiata). But how does the SOPTOM evaluate the species population in the wild, or evaluate the changes?

As the implementation of a management should be built on an appropriate knowledge, the changes in the number of individuals or in wildlife populations densities are a subject matter for human societies.

However, a complete census is impossible because all individuals can not be observed, especially if they are moving and discrete. Most often, the team uses sampling methods, where the individuals can be identified with the pattern of their shell, or with appropriate modelling tools to obtain estimators. Various sampling methods are used according to the objectives: transects, presence/absence, traditional capture-mark-recapture approach, …

In the case of this study, the SOPTOM team’s goal is to obtain an accurate image of the density of the populations of radiated tortoises in various locations of its distribution area. The results will provide an updated statement after the record seizures of 2018, and will be compared to the results of the studies led between 2010 and 2012.

Moreover, the awareness raising amongst the local population, about biodiversity conservation and the association’s missions, is also at the heart of the SOPTOM’s concerns.